The recently proposed changes to the definition of pathological gambling for thenext editionof the American Psychiatric Association’sDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)prompted us to think about the dizzying pace of change within the field over the past 30 years.

In this month’sIssues & Insights, four researchers reflect on the progress of the field by answering the question, “What has been the most significant change in how scientists look at disordered gambling over the past 30 years?” Their conclusions range from the inclusion of pathological gambling in the DSM-III in 1980 to advances in understanding the neurobiology of disordered gambling behavior. All agree that there have been tremendous advances in the field in the past three decades. You can read their full comments in June’sIssues & Insights.

What do you think has been the most significant change in gambling research during the past 30 years? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

Donald W. Black, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, University of Iowa College of Medicine

The most significant change was the inclusion of pathological gambling (PG) in theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Editionin 1980. While disordered gambling has been around since antiquity, it had not been considered a formal disorder that psychiatrists and other mental health professionals could identify and treat. This set off a paradigm shift away from disordered gambling being considered strictly a social and behavioral phenomenon, to that of it being a neuropsychiatric disorder. Clinicians and researchers now had operational criteria that allowed them to identify homogeneous groups of subjects. This has led to an explosion in the amount of research in PG, bringing with it new ways to conceptualize its pathophysiology, genetics and treatment. Once considered a problem that could only be addressed through a 12-step program, cognitive behavioral therapy was soon applied, followed by medication treatment studies. All these advances have transformed the way PG is thought of by the general public, mental health professionals and researchers.

Adam S. Goodie, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator, Department of Psychology, University of Georgia

There has been an upsurge in the breadth, depth and maturity of the ways that scientists confront disordered gambling. Thirty years ago, the field was marked by a preponderance of prevalence studies and relatively raw, subjective clinical observations, which revealed a priority simply on establishing that disordered gambling was serious and widespread. (Prevalence studies are an essential piece of the puzzle, but sometimes it seemed the field did little more than count up numbers of people with gambling problems.) Today, research covers all the issues that characterize a serious disorder, and is conducted by individuals as adept with modern research methods as they are with clinical practice. Clinical research is enriched and informed by basic research in fields of social and cognitive psychology, neuroscience, behavioral genetics and others. More than any single research finding, the maturing of the research culture has accelerated our progress in understanding and treating!

Harold Wynne, Ph.D., President, Wynne Resources

The ‘psycho-bio-social’ perspective is frequently cited as the best way to understand behaviour associated with disordered gambling. The order of this term is illustrative of the evolution of research in the field; that is, 30 years ago psychologists started to examine this disorder by looking inside the individual gambler. In the past five to 10 years, neurobiologists and geneticists focused on physiological evidence for answers. More recently, attention has been given to the social milieu wherein the disordered gambler lives day-to-day: the family, peer group, work place, cultural group and community. As gambling is a social activity, this latter focus on behaviour-influencing factors external to the individual is a welcome and significant contribution to understanding disordered gambling.

Anneke Goudriaan, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Amsterdam Institute for Addiction Research, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam

As I have been in gambling research for almost 10 years now, my perspective relates to this period. I think that the field of gambling research has advanced in several ways: both in the depth and quality of studies, and in broadening research directions. There is now much more attention to pathological gambling and comparing it with other disorders. For example, the efficacy of successful treatment strategies for substance dependence is now being investigated in pathological gambling. Behavioral treatments that have been effective for substance dependence, such as contingency management (i.e., using rewards to encourage positive change), are being studied, and we now know that pharmacological treatments such as nalmefene (a drug used to blunt cravings for alcohol) can be effective for treating pathological gambling. Compared to 10 years ago, there is greater insight into the neurobiology of pathological gambling. We now know that near wins elicit similar reward areas in the brain as actual wins, and that diminished neurocognitive functions influence relapse negatively. I hope that we will be able to implement this new knowledge in developing new interventions and improving treatment strategies.

NCRG staffIssues & Insightsdisordered gamblingDSMresearch challenges

Do men and women have the same experience with gambling problems or with recovery? Or, are there gender differences that have been observed in studies of other addictive behaviors? The following is an excerpt from the article,“New Study Explores Gender Differences in Treatment-Seeking, Recovery,”which was originally published in thespring 2010 edition ofResponsible Gaming Quarterly.

Women are more likely than men to seek treatment for and recover from pathological gambling, although the vast majority of people are able to recover from pathological gambling without formal treatment, according to anew study published inTwinResearch and Human Genetics.

The study, conducted by Wendy S. Slutske from the University of Missouri, Alex Blaszczynski from the University of Sydney and Nicholas G. Martin from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, is the first ever to document gender differences in treatment-seeking and recovery from pathological gambling. Participants in the study were 4,764 members of the Australian Twin Registry Cohort II sample.

Among the participants, 104 individuals (2.2 percent) had a lifetime history of pathological gambling based on DSM-IV diagnostic criteria. The lifetime prevalence rate was significantly higher among men (3.5 percent) than among women (1.3 percent).

Women with a history of pathological gambling were more likely than men to recognize a problem with their gambling behavior (91 percent vs. 74 percent, respectively). Regardless of recognition, only 20 (19 percent) of the 104 individuals with a history of pathological gambling reported seeking treatment at some point for their gambling problems, and women were significantly more likely to have sought treatment than men (32 percent vs. 13 percent, respectively). The study notes that, while women are significantly less likely to suffer from pathological gambling than men, there commonly are a nearly equal number of men and women in treatment samples due to the fact that women are far more likely to seek treatment.


According to the study, 44 individuals with a history of pathological gambling, or 42 percent of the PG sample, reported no pathological gambling symptoms during the past year, indicating they had recovered. More women (56 percent) experienced recovery than men (36 percent). Among the recovered gamblers, however, nearly 82 percent had not sought treatment for their gambling problems, and thus, according to the study, could be classified as natural recoveries. Therefore, among all the individuals in the sample suffering from pathological gambling, a full 35 percent experienced natural recovery. Rates of natural recovery were similar among men and women.

The results have several implications for gamblers, treatment providers and public health officials. According to the study, the gender differences in pathological gambling recovery rates may indicate that the disorder is more chronic and intractable among men than among women. Additionally, the fact that so many pathological gamblers do not seek treatment indicates there may be an increased need for treatment approaches – particularly among men – that accommodate client ambivalence, such as motivational interviewing. Men also may be more open to newer self-help treatments or brief interventions developed to help people recover from pathological gambling on their own. These types of treatments also could appeal to those with less severe gambling problems, who also tend not to seek treatment.

“I think it definitely is a good idea to have a variety of approaches available to appeal to different kinds of people.” Slutske said. “Certain types of psychotherapy may not be for everybody. I do wonder if more people would be interested in seeking treatment if there were more options available.”

Wendy S. Slutske is Professor of Psychology at the University of Missouri. Her research interests include explaining the genetic and environmental underpinnings of alcohol use disorders and other addictive/disinhibitory disorders and the description and classification of addictive/disinhibitory disorders. For more information about her research, please visither pageat the University of Missouri Department of Psychology Website.

For the full article and additional details about the study,see pages 9-10 of the spring 2010 Responsible Gaming Quarterly.


Slutske W.S., Blaszczynski A., Martin N.G., (2009). Sex differences in the rates of recovery, treatment-seeking, and natural recovery in pathological gambling results from an Australian community-based twin survey.TwinResearch and Human Genetics,12(5), 425-432.

NCRG staffResearch Updategendernatural recoveryResponsible Gaming QuarterlyUniversity of Missouri

TheNational Center for Responsible Gamingkicks off its 2010 NCRG Webinar Series on June 17, 2010 from 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. EDT with “Co-Occurring Disorders: How Research is Informing the Identification and Treatment of Pathological Gambling.” In this session, Dr. Marc Potenza of Yale University School of Medicine will discuss how the high rate of co-occurring disorders among disordered gamblers affects how we understand and treat pathological gambling, and the influence of this research on the proposed changes to the definition of pathological gambling in theDSM-V. The program is free butadvance registrationis required.

Later this summer, Dr. Robert Ladouceur of Laval University and Kevin Mullally of Gaming Laboratories International will explore the effectiveness of casino self-exclusion programs. “Regulating Interventions for Disordered Gambling: What New Research Says about the Safety, Effectiveness and Logistics of Self-Exclusion Programs” is scheduled for Aug. 16, 2010 from 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. EDT. Ladouceur will present his research on a self-exclusion program at a Quebec casino and Mullally, who developed the first self-exclusion program in the United States while head of the Missouri Gaming Commission, will reflect on the growth of this intervention worldwide.Registrationfor this program is now open.

TheNCRG Webinar Seriesprovides high-quality, year-round learning opportunities designed to help individuals better understand and address critical issues related to gambling disorders and responsible gaming. Participants in these free one-hour programs will earn one CEU approved byNAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals,The California Foundation for Advancement of Addiction Professionalsand theCalifornia Board of Behavioral Sciences.

For more information on the NCRG Webinar Series or to viewarchived webinars, visit theNCRG website. Have suggestions for upcoming webinars or questions about the series? Let us know in the comments section below.

NCRG staffICRG Newsaddiction counselingcomorbiditycontinuing educationdisordered gamblingNAADACNCRG Webinar Serieswebinars

The Institute for Research on Gambling Disordersoffers three types of project grantsto support research on gambling disorders, and the application deadline for ourExploration Grantsis just around the corner – June 1, 2010. Exploration Grants provide $5,000 for a period of 12 months and are intended to support pilot studies or other small projects. These grants offer quick access to funding – applicants will be notified about grant decisions by July 1. The Institute plans to award approximately five Exploration Grants this year. Download the application instructions and application form (in PDF form) on theExplorations Grants page.

These Exploration Grants are part of the more than $300,000 the Institute plans to award in 2010 to researchers in all stages of their careers. For examples of previously funded studies, follow the link to theFunded Project Grantspage. Questions or comments? Please post them in the comments section below, or contactChristine Reillydirectly with any specific questions about the application process.

NCRG staffICRG Newsaddiction research grantsdisordered gamblingexploration grantsgambling research grantsgrant deadlinesInstitute grantsnew investigatorresearch grants

The following is an excerpt from the article,“All in the Family: New Research on the Impact of Having a Parent with Gambling Problems,”which was originally published in thespring 2010 edition of Responsible Gaming Quarterly.

Scientists and clinicians have long speculated that gambling disorders are more prevalent in families with a history of problem gambling behavior. The role that heredity plays in the development of a gambling disorder is important to research focused on the causes of the disorder and to assessment and treatment. Research has started to unravel the genetic versus environmental factors. A University of Minnesota study,“Characteristics of Pathological Gamblers with a Problem Gambling Parent,”recently published inThe American Journal on Addiction, is the first attempt to determine whether having a problem gambling parent is associated with any unique clinical features in adults with pathological gambling (PG) (Schreiber, Odlaug, Kim, & Grant, 2009).

Lead author Liana Schreiber and colleagues hypothesized that adults in treatment for pathological gambling who had a problem gambling parent would (1) start gambling at an earlier age; (2) have more severe gambling symptoms; and (3) have higher rates of substance use disorders than PG adults without a PG parent.


The investigators found that one-third of the sample had at least one parent with a gambling problem. Overall, the investigators did not find many significant differences between the subjects with a PG parent and those without. For example, contrary to previous research on age of onset, subjects with a PG parent did not report a significantly earlier age of onset of gambling or gambling problems compared to those without a PG parent. Further research is needed to reconcile these differences. In addition, the severity of PG symptoms did not differ significantly between the two groups, and both groups had the same rate of psychiatric and substance use disorders.

Several important distinctions did emerge between the two groups. Subjects with a PG parent had significantly greater rates of daily nicotine use. Also, those with one PG parent were more likely to have a father with an alcohol-use disorder. The study authors conjecture that because children of alcoholics have more psychological, emotional and developmental difficulties compared to individuals without a family history of alcohol problems, the gambling could be a reflection of these problems. This finding suggests a possible genetic transmission of addictions, as found in studies of theVietnam Era Twin Registry, which suggest that genetics account for 35 to 45 percent of PG symptoms and that there are common genetic and environmental contributions to PG and alcohol dependence (Eisen, Slutske, Lyons, et al., 2001; Slutske, Eisen, True, et al., 2000).

The subjects with a PG parent also reported significantly greater financial and legal problems. One explanation is that poor coping skills may be more severe in those with a family history of gambling problems, and the result is greater negative consequences. According to the authors, the study has several limitations, including the use of subjects’ memories of parents’ gambling behaviors to determine a family history. However, it represents a significant step forward in developing a detailed portrait of the origins of PG.

Liana R.N. Schreiber is a clinical research coordinator for the Impulse Control Disorders clinic at the University of Minnesota. In 2009, the University of Minnesota was selected as one of the firstNCRG Centers of Excellence in Gambling Research.

For the full article and additional details about the study,see pages 8-9 of the spring 2010 Responsible Gaming Quarterly.


Eisen, S. A., Slutske, W. S., Lyons, M. J., Lassman, J., Xian, H., Toomey, R., et al. (2001). The genetics of pathological gambling.Seminar in Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 6(3), 195-204.

Schreiber, L., Odlaug, B. L., Kim, S. W., & Grant, J. E. (2009). Characteristics of pathological gamblers with a problem gambling parent.The American Journal on Addictions, 18(6), 462-469.

NCRG staffResearch Updatedisordered gamblinggeneticsnew researchUniversity of Minnesota

Tribal Government Gaming

This spring,Tribal Government Gaming magazinepublished a feature article about the responsible gaming measures already in place at tribal casinos and how some of these operations are expanding their efforts to include science-based technological innovations. The article –“Tribal Responsibility: Addressing Responsible Gaming in Indian Country”– includes a look at how San Manuel Indian Bingo and Casino is using the National Center for Responsible Gaming’s PEER program and EMERGE online employee training program to enhance existing training and “create a whole new level of awareness… about the science behind pathological gambling,” according to Dianna Scina, guest services director.

The article also covers the unique challenges tribal governments and gaming facilities face, including the difficulties involved in using science to inform responsible gaming programs for tribe members due to the lack of research on gambling disorders among tribal populations. Tribal gaming experts Eileen Luna-Firebaugh and Dr. Kate Spilde, who addressed some of these challenges in our January 2010 edition ofIssues & Insights(“Creating Partnerships between American Indian Communities and Researchers”), are quoted in the article, providing their insights about these hurdles and the opportunities they present.

PEER stands for Partnership for Excellence in Education and Responsible Gaming. More information about the PEER program is available on theNCRG’s website.

EMERGE stands for Executive, Management and Employee Responsible Gaming Education.The EMERGE programis a science-based, online training program for gaming industry employees. It is approved by an international, third-party credentialing agency and exceeds the requirements of all current gaming regulations regarding responsible gaming training for employees.

NCRG staffResponsible GamingAmerican IndianEMERGEresponsible gamingtribal gaming

The WAGER(Worldwide Addiction Gambling Education Report) is a great resource for keeping up with new research on gambling and gambling disorders. This online science review is published by the Division on Addictions at Cambridge Health Alliance, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School.The WAGERis one of a number of publications available through theBrief Addiction Science Information Source (BASIS).

This month’s edition ofTheWAGERVol. 14(4)– highlights the newgambling code of conductcreated for European professional athletes and compares it tothe rulesthat deter gambling among NCAA athletes. As always we welcome thoughts and questions in the comments section below.

NCRG staffIn the Newscollege gamblingDivision on AddictionsEuropeHarvard Medical SchoolNCAAresponsible gamingsports bettingThe WAGER

Despite scientific advances in understanding mental health problems, the stigma surrounding disorders such as depression, substance-use problems and disordered gambling behavior remains a powerful force in today’s society.Mental Health Americais observing Mental Health Month in May to increase public awareness of mental health issues and reduce the stigma and prejudice toward these problems.

Clinicians and patients report that embarrassment and shame can be especially acute for individuals with gambling problems because of the lack of public awareness about how an activity like gambling can be as powerful as a drug for a vulnerable person.

To help us reflect on this important issue, we have reproduced, with permission from theAmerican Psychological Association(APA), the following interview about mental health awareness and stigma with Katherine C. Nordal, Ph.D., executive director for professional practice at the APA.


Dr. Nordal is a licensed psychologist experienced in treating adults, children and adolescents and has clinical expertise in the treatment of stress-related disorders. As executive director for the APA’s Practice Directorate, Dr. Nordal manages a variety of activities involving legislative advocacy, legal initiatives, efforts to shape the evolving health care market, and a nationwide public education campaign, including the Mind/Body Health Campaign, to enhance the value of psychology.

Do you think there is still a stigma associated with mental illness?

Awareness of mental health issues has definitely improved in recent decades. When I entered practice more than 30 years ago, individuals in my semi-rural community would often travel 40-50 miles to get treatment because they did not want anyone to know that they were seeing a therapist. Many people were concerned about what others may think if they were open about their mental health. In many ways, we have taken great strides since then as more people talk about mental health publicly and as we see more positive depictions of mental health in popular culture. Yet, for many, stigma remains. A 2008 APA survey found that more than half of Americans saw stigma–and concerns about what other people might think–as barriers that could prevent them from seeking mental health treatment. And while an estimated 50 million Americans experience a mental health disorder in any year, only one in four will receive treatment.

It is important to remember the impact that stigma can have. Because of stigma, people who need treatment may fail to seek it and they may face discrimination and problems at work or school or even encounter harassment or violence. Furthermore, untreated mental health disorders cost businesses millions of dollars in lost productivity, absenteeism and health care costs.

Why does the public often have a different view of mental illness than physical illness?

Traditionally, the medical model has separated mental and physical health. But this fails to take account of the strong links between the mind and body. Research shows that physical health is directly connected to emotional health, and millions of Americans know that suffering from a mental health disorder can be as frightening and debilitating as any major physical health disorder. Poor mental health has implications for physical health – for example, research has shown that people with depression are at greater risk for developing heart disease, and conversely, that people with heart disease are more likely to suffer from depression than others.

Integrated health care – care that treats both the mind and body – is the key to breaking down stigma and providing the best care. Many psychologists already work in primary care settings with physicians and other health care professionals, often serving as members of multidisciplinary treatment teams and taking the lead when a patient has a primary mental health or substance abuse diagnosis.

What can be done to combat stigma and stereotypes about mental illness?

Congress took a huge step in tackling stigma when the Wellstone-Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act was passed last year. This new law means that insurance policies can no longer discriminate against those with mental health or substance use disorders. We’ve long known that mental health disorders can be as serious as those impacting physical health. The new parity law recognizes this by mandating that coverage must be the same for mental health as for physical health including co-payments, deductibles and in-patient treatment limits.

Events like Mental Health Month also serve to raise awareness and decrease stigma. Mental health disorders impact everyone – by talking about mental health we can dispel stereotypes and raise awareness.

The APA is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States and is the world’s largest association of psychologists.

Have you experienced or observed the stigma surrounding addiction, mood disorders or other mental health problems? Share your stories in the comments section below.

American Psychological Association, introduction by Christine ReillyInterviewsAmerican Psychological Associationdisordered gamblingmental healthstigma

The Institute for Research on Gambling Disorders has been awarded “Approved Education Provider” status byNAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals. This approval identifies continuing education opportunities offered by the Institute as meeting nationally approved standards of education developed for the addiction counseling field and assures participants that continuing education units (CEUs) provided by the Institute will be accepted toward national credentialing by the NAADAC Certification Commission and by many of the individual state licensing and certification bodies as well.

NAADAC is the largest membership organization for addiction counselors in the world with more than 10,000 members and 43 state affiliates. Credentials (offered through the NAADAC’sNational Certification Commission) include “National Certified Addiction Counselor I/II” and “Master Addiction Counselor,” and require 40 hours of continuing education every two years for renewal.

NAADAC’s rigorous review process for education providers ensures that its members involved in approved continuing education programs “receive a consistent, reliable and quality learning experience that is applicable to their careers and advances their understanding of addiction-related issues.”

The Institute for Research on Gambling Disorders offers several approved educational opportunities for addiction professionals throughout the year, including theNCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction, scheduled for Nov. 14-16, 2010. The Institute and the NCRG also offer free webinars throughout the year, which can be accessed from anywhere via the Internet. Archived versions of the 2009 webinars – “Youth and College Gambling: New Direction, New Discoveriesand “Treating Pathological Gambling with Motivational Interviewing and CBT: A Webinar for Addiction Professionals” – areavailable for free through the National Center for Responsible Gaming’s website. Announcements about topics for the 2010 webinar series are coming soon.

Have a specific area of interest you’d like to see covered in a webinar or conference session? Let us know in the comments section below.

NCRG staffICRG Newsaddiction counselingcontinuing educationNAADACwebinars

The following is an excerpt from the story“Cottler Leads Scientific Advisory Board into New Era,”which originally was published in thespring 2010 edition of Responsible Gaming Quarterly.

Dr. Linda B. Cottler

When Dr. Linda B. Cottler was first asked to serve as chair of the Institute for Research on Gambling Disorders’Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), she made one point exceedingly clear – “I didn’t want to do this job unless there was something I could really contribute,” she said. Cottler, a professor of epidemiology in psychiatry at the Washington University School of Medicine, is one of the country’s foremost epidemiological scientists and is widely respected throughout the addictions research community for her contributions to the field.

Less than a year since the Institute’s inception, Cottler and her fellow SAB members already have made a significant impact on the field of research on gambling disorders. In February, guided by the SAB, the Institute announced the restructuring of itsProject Grants program, which will include doubling the number of grants available through that program (see cover story).

By increasing the number of grants available, the SAB is hoping to encourage more researchers to become involved in the field of research on gambling disorders. “The science of addiction shows there are certain synergies between pathological gambling and other addictions, so providing more opportunities for researchers to collaborate and explore these synergies can facilitate interesting new findings and stimulate the growth of the field,” Cottler said. “This new approach provides the same amount of total funding as before, but enables more researchers from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise to be involved.”

In addition to simply having a greater number of researchers involved in the field, Cottler said the SAB is particularly interested in providing support for junior investigators and encouraging them to conduct studies on gambling disorders.

“In the next 10 years, the research workforce will lose about 30 percent of its active investigators to retirement,” Cottler said. “This is a significant loss, and so it is critical that we focus on helping junior investigators develop an expertise in this area.”


Cottler explained that the SAB and the Institute also have plans to raise awareness about gambling disorders within the broader addictions community and to encourage various branches of the National Institutes of Health to continue funding gambling research. She noted that an important part of this outreach will be making the connection between gambling disorders and other addictions — such as substance-related disorders – and how research in the gambling sector can help inform broader scientific efforts.

“The NCRG and the Institute have been very important to the field of gambling research, singlehandedly funding the bulk of the research that has helped increase understanding of treatments and assessments and informed the development of science-based tools that can be easily picked up and used by others,” Cottler said. “It is important that we also understand the funding priorities at the federal level so that we can continue to provide seed grant opportunities that can be leveraged into larger federal funding opportunities. This will allow investigators to conduct widescale research in this field and for communities to make further headway in reducing the consequences of gambling disorders.”

Dr. Linda B. Cottler is the chair of the Institute’s Scientific Advisory Board and the 2010recipient of the Marian W. Fischman Lectureship Award from the College on Problems of Drug Dependence in honor of her outstanding contributions in drug abuse research.

For the full article and additional insights from Dr. Cottler, turn to pages 4-5 of thespring 2010 Responsible Gaming Quarterly.

NCRG staffInterviewscomorbiditydisordered gamblingInstitute grantsNIH