To clarify the various revisions in the American Psychiatric Association’s fifth edition of theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5)relating to gambling disorders,the National Center for Responsible Gaming (NCRG) authored a white paper, titled ‘The Evolving Defintion of Pathological Gambling in the DSM-5.’ Below is an excerpt of that white paper that outlines the specific changes. For a free download of the white paper,


Reclassification: From Impulse Control Disorder to Addiction

In the DSM-IV, pathological gambling (PG) was classified under the section titled, “Impulse Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified,” along with Compulsive Hair Pulling (Trichotillomania); Intermittent Explosive Disorder; Kleptomania; and Pyromania. TheDSM-5work group proposed that PG be moved to the category Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders.

The rationale for this change is that the growing scientific literature on PG reveals common elements with substance use disorders. Many scientists and clinicians have long believed that problem gamblers closely resemble alcoholics and drug addicts, not only from the external consequences of problem finances and destruction of relationships, but, increasingly, on the inside as well.According to Dr. Charles O’Brien, chair of the Substance-Related Disorders Work Group for DSM-5, brain imaging studies and neurochemical tests have made a “strong case that [gambling] activates the reward system in much the same way that a drug does.” Pathological gamblers report cravings and highs in response to their stimulus of choice; it also runs in families, often alongside other addictions. Neuroscience and genetics research has played a key role in these determinations.

Internet addiction was considered for this category, but work group members decided there was insufficient research data for it to be included. Another so-called behavioral addiction, “sex addiction,” also was not included because the work group found no scientific evidence that “reward circuitry is operative in the same way as in addictive areas.”

Renaming: From PG to Gambling Disorder

Officially changing the name to “Gambling Disorder” is a welcome revision for many researchers

and clinicians who have expressed concern that the label “pathological” is a pejorative term that

only reinforces the social stigma of being a problem gambler.5

Renaming: From PG to Gambling Disorder

Officially changing the name to “Gambling Disorder” is a welcome revision for many researchers and clinicians who have expressed concern that the label “pathological” is a pejorative term that only reinforces the social stigma of being a problem gambler.

Changes in Diagnostic Criteria and Lowering of Threshold for a Diagnosis

One major change in the DSM-5’s clinical description of gambling disorders is the elimination of the criterion “has committed illegal acts such as forgery, fraud theft or embezzlement to finance gambling.” The rationale for this change is the low prevalence of this behavior among individuals with gambling disorder. In other words, no studies have found that assessing criminal behavior helps distinguish between people with a gambling disorder and those without one. Studies suggest that its elimination will have little or no effect on prevalence rates and little effect on diagnosis. However, although committing illegal acts will no longer be a stand-alone criterion for diagnosis, the text will state that illegal acts are associated with the disorder. In particular, the criterion related to lying to others to cover up the extent of gambling will be described to include specific mention of illegal activities as one potential form of lying.

Other changes in the criteria are as follows:

• “Is preoccupied with gambling” will be “Is often preoccupied with gambling” to clarifythat one need not be obsessed with gambling all of the time to meet this diagnostic criteria.

• “Gambles as a way to escape from problems” will be “Gambles when feeling distressed.”

• In the text accompanying the criteria, “chasing one’s losses” is clarified as the frequent,and often long-term, “chase” that is characteristic of gambling disorder, not short-term chasing.

TheDSM-5work group observed that several empirical studies have supported lowering the threshold for a more accurate diagnosis of a gambling disorder from five to four criterion. For example, Stinchfield found that a cutoff score of four made modest improvements in classification accuracy and, most importantly, reduced the rate of false negatives. Anotherrecent study conducted in France found that theDSM-5criteria (the DSM-IV criteria without the illegal acts criterion and with a cutoff of four symptoms) performed better than theDSM-IVcriteria alone, the DSM-IV criteria without the illegal acts criterion and a new instrument based on theDSMcriteria for substance abuse.

Finally, to diagnose a gambling disorder, the critiera that are displayed among the individualmust occur within a 12-month period, unlike theDSM-IVwhich did not provide a time period for symptoms. In other words, if the person had two symptoms years ago and two symptoms in the past year, he or she would not qualify for a diagnosis.


American Psychiatric Association. DSM-IV: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Fourth ed.Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 1994.

Holden C. Behavioral addictions debut in proposed DSM-V. Science. 2010;327(5968):935.

Potenza MN, Xian H, Shah K, Scherrer JF, Eisen SA. Shared genetic contributions to pathological gambling and major depression in men. Archives of General Psychiatry. Sep 2005;62(9):1015-1021.

Strong DR, Kahler CW. Evaluation of the continuum of gambling problems using the DSM-IV. Addiction. 2007;102(5):713-721.

Petry NM, Blanco C, Auriacombe M, et al. An Overview of and Rationale for Changes Proposed for PathologicalGambling in DSM-5. J Gambl Stud. 2013.

Stinchfield R. Reliability, validity, and classification accuracy of a measure of DSM-IV diagnostic criteria forpathological gambling. Am J Psychiatry. 2003;160(1):180-182.

Denis C, Fatseas M, Auriacombe M. Analyses related to the development of DSM-5 criteria for substance userelated disorders. An assessment of Pathological Gambling criteria. Drug Alcohol Depend. Apr 1 2011;122(1-2):22-27.

NCRG staffIn the NewsDSM-5gambling disordersresearch

DSM-5 panel

Drs. Lieberman, Kupfer and Regier announce the launch of the DSM-5

As the release of the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) fifth edition of theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5)looms, more than 13,000 psychiatrists descended upon San Francisco, Calif. For the APA, the first order of business was to launch theDSM-5and answer the many questions about the revisions – and controversy – of this much-anticipated publication.

DSM-5’s New Organization

Among the many changes within theDSM-5’s pages, what theDSM-5Task Force is most excited about are the revisions with the organization of the manual. Not only are the more than 15 significant changes to disorders, but the authors reorganized theDSM-5to make it easier to use for clinicians.

“The process wasn’t so pretty,” said Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D., president-elect of the APA. “Regardless, we believe this represents the gold standard of psychiatric diagnosis based on the research available to date.”

The newest addition to the overall structure of the manual is the last section that includes key components to help translate this research into practical, daily use for clinicians, researchers and others. First, this section includes conditions that require further research before they’re considered to be a formal disorder. Some of these disorders, such as anxious depression and sensory processing disorder, lacked enough scientific evidence to consider it a “done deal” – coined by David Kupfer, M.D., chair of the DSM-5 Task Force.

Additionally, this section of theDSM-5includes a toolkit that helps mental health professionals learn about and apply these diagnoses in clinical settings. This toolkit also covers self-assessment tools and various resources that address cultural components as they relate to diagnosis and treatment options.

“The Glossary of Cultural Concepts of Distress in theDSM-5’s third section was an important piece to include,” said Dilip V. Jeste, M.D., president of the APA. “Mental illness is something that crosses cultural barriers, and we wanted clinicians some tools to address the culturally sensitive nature of some mental health issues.”

A Call for More Research

A topic that some of the media wanted to focus on during theDSM-5launch was the perceived difference of opinion between the National Institute of Mental Health Director Thomas Insel, M.D. and the APA’s revisions. (The NCRG covered this debate with aGambling Disorders 360°postlast week). When asked about it, theDSM-5Task Force and APA leadership discussed the need to have research bring forth biomarkers and so that the diagnostic criteria could be further refined and the mental health field could advance.

“While we don’t have the biomarkers that are on the verge of discovery in research, patients can’t keep waiting,” said Dr. Kupfer.

Make sure to follow the NCRG onTwitter,FacebookandStorifyfor the latest news from the APA annual meeting.

NCRG staffIn the NewsaddictionAmerican Psychiatric AssociationAPAdisordersgamblingmental healthpsychiatrypsychology

Dr. Randy Stinchfield receives the 2012 Scientific Achievement Award

Do you know a pioneer in the field of research on gambling disorders? Each year, theNational Center for Responsible Gaming(NCRG) recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of research on gambling disorders with theNCRG Scientific Achievement Award.This year’s award will be presented during theNCRG Conference on Gambling and Addictionin Las Vegas, taking place Sept. 22-24, 2013

Nominations may include:

  • Research investigators at any stage in their career—early stage, mid-career or senior– whose research has made significant contributions to the knowledge base about gambling disorders;
  • Educators who have successfully mentored young investigators in the field or have excelled at promoting public awareness and education about gambling disorders and responsible gaming; and/or
  • A recent publication in a scientific, peer-reviewed journal that represents seminal work in the field.

The nomination package must include the following:

  • Letter of recommendation: A detailed letter of recommendation describing the worthiness of the nominee, specifying his or her contribution to the field of gambling research or the significance of the publication nominated.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV): For individual nominees, include an up-to-date CV.
  • For research investigators, include a comprehensive bibliography of the nominee’s publications.
  • Publications: For research investigators, submit no more than five scientific publications representative of the nominee’s work. In the case of a nomination of a publication, include a copy of the published version of the article. The publication must have been published in the same year as or the year prior to the nomination.

Submit nomination materials in PDF format to NCRG Senior Research Director Christine Reilly ( by Aug. 1, 2013. The selection committee, composed of distinguished scientists in the addictions field, will select one recipient to receive the 2013 award.

Each NCRG Scientific Achievement Award winner has an intriguing story to tell, and last year’s winner was no exception.Watch Randy Stinchfield, Ph.D., L.P.P., of the University of Minnesota, receive the 2012 NCRG Scientific Achievement Award for his contributions to research on youth gambling. You can also visit theaward websitefor a list of past recipients.

NCRG staffConference on Gambling and AddictionNCRG ConferenceNominationsscientific achievement award

Visit the NCRG at APA - Booth #2128

Today, the NCRG staff is traveling to San Francisco to prepare for the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) annual meeting. The buildup for this event is coming to a peak as the APA releases their highly anticipated fifth edition of theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5)on May 21. Christine Reilly, Nathan Smith and Amy Kugler will be on-site to provide the latest information aboutDSM-5revisions, updates from the conference and insights from the conference sessions.

There are a few ways to connect with the NCRG’s coverage of the APA’s conference and the many updates:

  • Follow the NCRG’s Storify, titled“Unveiling theDSM-5. Amy will be posting the most relevant information from the NCRG and related organizations, media opinions and insights from social media.
  • Subscribe toGambling Disorders 360°,the NCRG’s blog, for posts about some of the APA conference sessions andDSM-5announcements.
  • Connect with the NCRG on Twitter (@theNCRG; #DSM5) and Facebook (
  • Visit the NCRG and talk with Christine, Nathan and Amy at Booth #2128 in the APA exhibit hall.

The NCRG has been watching this timeline closely, as some of theDSM-5’s revisions impact the field of gambling disorders and addictions. To understand some of the changes that the new diagnostic code will include relating to gambling disorders, download the NCRG’s white paper, titled “The Evolving Definition of Pathological Gambling in theDSM-5.

Have a question or comment about theDSM-5revision? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

NCRG staffICRG Newsaddiction treatmentdiagnosisDSM-5gambling disorderspsychiatrypsychology

National Institutes of Mental Health

The debut of thefifth editionof theAmerican Psychiatric Association’s(APA)Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)at the upcoming APA annual meeting might be regarded as the year’s most anticipated event in the mental health field. Its release has been covered in the media, including theWashington PostandThe New York Times,andexperts have weighed in with their viewof how this publication will impact clinicians, researchers and those diagnosed with mental disorders. However, an initiative underway for several years at theNational Institute of Mental Health(NIMH) could have more far-reaching effects on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders and addiction.

TheNIMH’s Research Domain Criteria(RDoC) project was born of the inability of previous editions of theDSMto achieve both of their ultimate scientific objectives: produce areliable diagnostic codefor clinicians to use, and prove that these diagnoses arevalid(i.e. the measure to which the DSM accurately diagnosis what it claims to diagnose).1On the one hand, theDSM-IIIandDSM-IVachieved the first objective of insuringreliabilityof the diagnostic constructs across different research and clinical settings through the use of diagnostic criteria, providing a “common language” among clinicians and ensuring “that a diagnosis is both accurate and consistent; for example, that a diagnosis of schizophrenia is consistent from one clinician to another, and means the same thing to both of these clinicians, whether they reside in the United States or other international settings.”2

On the other hand, the objective of establishing thevalidityof the diagnostic categories has not been achieved.1Unlike definitions of medical illness, such as heart disease or AIDS, “theDSMdiagnoses are based on a consensus about clusters of clinical symptoms, not any objective laboratory measure,” such as found in genetics and brain imaging research.3

NIMH Director Dr. Thomas Insel

Consequently under the leadership of NIMH DirectorThomas Insel, M.D., the institute concluded that a new strategic framework was essential for generating research–unconstrained by theDSMcategories– that will eventually enable health care professionals to diagnose mental disorders as precisely as identifying strep throat by a throat swab. To achieve this goal, the NIMH will place a priority on collecting the imaging, genetic, physiologic and cognitive data on mental disorders–not just the symptoms–and see how they relate to treatment.3In other words, the emphasis will be on the causes of the disorder, not the symptoms.4

In this light, the utility of neuroscience and genetic studies on disordered gambling for developing treatment strategies becomes clearer. As Dr. Insel has noted, “Symptoms alone rarely indicate the best choice of treatment.”3For example, a study of the brain’s circuitry rather than a focus on symptoms might suggest which areas of brain are implicated in the impulsivity and poor decision-making of disordered gambling and, therefore, offer a region at which drug treatment can be targeted.5,6

One critique of RDoC is that the research base has not developed fully enough to supply the data needed to transform diagnosis and treatment. In response to Dr. Insel’s blog about RDoC andDSM-5,David Kupfer, M.D., chair of APA’sDSM-5Task Force, argued that although “efforts like the National Institute of Mental Health’s Research Domain Criteria [RDoC] are vital to the continued progress of our collective understanding of mental disorders,’ the RDoC vision of a system based on biological and genetic markers ‘remains disappointingly distant’ and ‘cannot serve us in the here and now.’7It ‘merely hand[s] patients another promissory note that something may happen sometime.”7

What do you think of the RdoC approach? Please leave your thoughts or comments in the section below.

The National Center for Responsible Gaming (NCRG) will also be at the APA Annual Meeting from May 17 to 22 as theDSM-5is released. NCRG staff members Christine Reilly, Nathan Smith and Amy Kugler will be live blogging and updating the NCRG’s Facebook and Twitter pages with news and insights. The NCRG will also be at Booth #2128 in the APA Exhibit Hall. Please follow us online or in person as the events unfold at the APA Annual Meeting!


1. DSM-5 and the NIMH Research Domain Criteria Project – Psychiatric Times. 2011. Available at: Accessed May 6, 2013.

2. American Psychiatric Association. DSM-5 Development. 2010. Available at:

3. Insel T. NIMH Director’s Blog.Transform. Diagn.2013. Available at:

4. Belluck P, Carey B. Psychiatry’s New Guide Falls Short, Experts Say.The New York Times. Published May 6, 2013. Accessed May 7, 2013.

5. Balodis IM, Kober H, Worhunsky PD, Stevens MC, Pearlson GD, Potenza MN. Diminished frontostriatal activity during processing of monetary rewards and losses in pathological gambling.Biol. Psychiatry. 2012;71(8):749–757. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2012.01.006.

6. Potenza MN. Pharmacological approaches to treating pathological gambling. In:What Clinicians Need to Know about Gambling Disorders.Vol 7. Increasing the Odds: A Series Dedicated to Understanding Gambling Addiction. Washington, DC: National Center for Responsible Gaming; 2012:52–60. Available at: Accessed April 30, 2013.

7. American Psychiatric Association. Psychiatric News Alert.David Kupfer Md Responds Crit. Dsm-5 Nimh Dir.Available at: Accessed May 6, 2013.

NCRG staffResearch UpdateDr. InselDr. KupferDSM-5NIMHRDoC

NCRG Conference Poster Session

Do you have new empirical research on gambling disorders that you would to share with colleagues and others interested in gambling research? If so, we encourage you to submit a poster abstract for the session on Sept. 22, 2013, at the 14thannualNCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction.

Subject Matter

Posters can focus on any aspect of gambling disorders and must report on empirical research. Abstracts will be reviewed for scientific merit. An award for the outstanding poster will be presented at the conference.

Submission Guidelines

Abstracts are limited to 500 words and should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or other word processing software using a font size no smaller than 12 pt. Please include the following information:

  1. Title of presentation
  2. Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s)
  3. Mailing address, telephone and email address of the first author
  4. Poster abstract (no more than 500 words). Please follow APA format for text and references. The abstract should address sample and methods, preliminary findings and implications for the field.
  5. By submitting a poster, at least one author must agree to attend the conference and to participate as the poster presenter. No individual can be first author on more than one abstract.

Abstracts will be accepted on a rolling basis until August 1, 2013. Send abstract via email to Nathan Smith, program officer at the Questions? Email or call 978-338-6610.

NCRG staffConference on Gambling and AddictionCall for PostersNCRG Conferenceposter sessionresearch

NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction

By now, you’ve probably marked your calendar for the14thannual NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addictionfrom September 22-24 in Las Vegas. We hope you’ll put one more date on your calendar: June 15 – the deadline to apply for scholarships for the NCRG Conference!

For the third year, the NCRG is offering the need-based scholarship program for anyone interested in attending this year’s NCRG Conference. This is a popular program, so it is best to turn your application in early! Insofar as we are able, it is the NCRG’s wish to provide fair access to the NCRG Conference to all interested stakeholders, especially those in academia and the clinical and public health sectors. In 2012, the NCRG supported almost 30 NCRG Conference attendees. This year, the NCRG will award scholarships to more than 15 individuals and a portion of these scholarships may also include travel assistance. Additional scholarship funds may be available at a later time thanks to the generosity of the NCRG Conference’s sponsors.

To apply for a scholarship, interested applicants must submit their application and registration form byJune 15, 2013,one of three ways:

  1. Online at theNCRG’s Conference Scholarship website
  2. By email to Christine Reilly (
  3. By fax, attention Christine Reilly, at 978-522-8452

Applicants must submit two pieces of information:

  1. Answers to the following questions in the application document
  2. Completed NCRG Conference registration form(Note: By filling out this form, you are not automatically registered for the NCRG Conference. NCRG staff members will give you instructions should you receive a scholarship.)

Applications will be reviewed and applicants will be notified about receipt of a scholarship no later than July 1.

We hope you’ll apply and share this information with interested colleagues around the nation. We look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas!

Questions or comments? Leave them in the comments section below or contact Christine Reilly atcreilly@ncrg.orgor 978-338-6610.

NCRG staffConference on Gambling and AddictionNCRG ConferenceScholarships

NCRG Communications and Outreach Manager Amy Kugler

This post was written byAmy Kugler, the NCRG’s Communications and Outreach Manager

Even though March is a great month to watch some of the ups and downs of the NCAA college basketball tournaments, those of us on staff for the National Center for Responsible Gaming (NCRG) were busy traveling to Chicago, Ill., for the seventh Annual Education Summit and to Seattle, Wash., for the first session of the2013 NCRG Treatment Provider Workshop Series. What a busy month!

Dr. Jon Grant, Principal Investigator of the NCRG Center of Excellence at the University of Chicago

First, we had such agreat time at the Annual Education Summit, held in partnership with theNCRG Center of Excellence in Gambling Research at The University of Chicago. Each year, this event is a unique opportunity to gather legislators, researchers, academics, industry members, mental health professionals and community leaders together to discuss the latest research on gambling disorders and explain more about the resources that the NCRG has to offer. It was an honor to hold it at The University of Chicago, and we were pleased to announce the next round of funding for the NCRG Centers of Excellence in Gambling Research at The University of Chicago andYale University.Margo Bristow, board member for the Illinois Council on Problem Gambling, also announced a state-wide initiative that will gather more stakeholders to address gambling disorders in Illinois. We’ll also cover this new partnership in a blog post in the future.

During this year’s Annual Education Summit, we also were fortunate to bring together 20 early stage investigators who show great promise in their work on gambling disorders and addiction. With the goal of cultivating the next generation of researchers, we held an all-day workshop for them that was led byKen Winters, Ph.D., from the University of Minnesota;Tammy Chung, Ph.D., from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; andJon E. Grant, J.D., M.D., M.P.H., from The University of Chicago. This was the first time that the NCRG convened a workshop of this type, and we look forward to replicating it in the future.

Early stage investigators discuss research ideas during an all-day workshop

Chicago wasn’t the only stop for the NCRG in March. I was able to travel to Seattle, Wash., to meet and partner with theEvergreen Council on Problem Gambling(ECPG) on the first session of the 2013 NCRG Treatment Provider Workshop Series led bySarah Nelson, Ph.D., from the Division on Addiction, Cambridge Health Alliance, a division of Harvard Medical School. Dr. Nelson explained the basics of gambling disorders screening and assessment strategies, and resources to use such as theBrief Biosocial Gambling Screen(funded by the NCRG). What I valued about this workshop is that there were many counselors who mostly saw clients with substance use disorders, but they realized that they should be screening for gambling disorders as well. Also, members from almost all of the tribes in Washington State attended this training! (For more information on the ECPG, check outlast week’s blog postthat highlighted the organization and its programs.)

While I was in Washington, I also had the opportunity to meet with our NCRG-funded researcherTy Lostutter, Ph.D., from the University of Washington, and potential partners with the Washington Indian Gaming Association.Maureen Greeley, executive director for ECPG, and I also were able to meet with the University of Washington’s athletic department to discuss more about programs that address gambling and gambling-related harms on college campuses, Overall, it was a month packed with fun travel and fantastic new partners (and lots of college basketball games on the television)!

NCRG staffICRG NewsAmy KuglerAnnual Education SummitECPGNCRG on the RoadTreatment Provider Workshop

Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling

Earlier this year, theNCRGandAGAreleased the winter 2013 edition ofResponsible Gaming Quarterly. While developing this edition of RGQ, we had the opportunity to speak in depth with members from theEvergreen Council on Problem Gamblingin Washington state to learn more about the organization and their 2013 initiatives.

Executive Director Maureen Greeley

Led byExecutive Director Maureen Greeley, the Evergreen Council is dedicated to expanding the availability of services for those affected by gambling disorders and encouraging research and programs for education, prevention and treatment. The Evergreen Council serves as a connection hub for both counseling services and residential treatment options for individuals with a gambling disorder. Its website and the state helpline are resources for individuals and their family members to receive information about in-state counseling services for gambling disorders and other addictions.

Additionally, the council currently is the only source of funding for residential pathological gambling treatment. In order to give individuals the care that they need, the council pays to send patients to neighboring states to receive treatment at residential facilities.

For 2013, the organization also has expanded its contract with the state certification boards to offer more education opportunities for clinicians wanting accreditation to treat those with gambling disorders. Throughout the year, Greeley and her staff will organize two conferences and quarterly trainings that will be attended by mental health practitioners from across the state. (The NCRG partnered with the Evergreen Council for one of those trainings. More information about this will be including in an upcoming blog post).

The Evergreen Council also will host the27th annual conference for the National Council on Problem Gamblingon July 19 and 20.

The organization’s third goal for 2013 is to work with new partners to reach a wider audience with information about gambling disorders, ways to gamble responsibly and resources to use for help. In December 2012, the council launched a new initiative that expanded its prevention programs targeting youth and solicited the help of other non-profit organizations and radio personalities.(Read more about this two-part campaign in the winter 2013 edition of RGQ.)

If you are interested in learning more about the Evergreen Council,click here.

What are some of the initiatives your local organizations are doing to help problem gamblers and promote responsible gaming?

NCRG staffICRG NewsEvergreen Council on Problem Gamblinggambling disorderNCRG Partnerproblem gambling

The Evolving Definition of Pathological Gambling in the DSM-5

Today, the NCRG isexcited to share two new resourcesthat focus on important issues impacting the understanding, identification and treatment of gambling disorders and the development of responsible gaming strategies.

The first resource is a white paper that provides an overview of the upcoming fifth edition of theAmerican Psychiatric Association’s(APA)Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)and what it means for diagnosing and treating gambling disorders; the second translates the latest research on Internet gambling and its impact on gambling disorders.

The Evolving Definition of Pathological Gambling in the DSM-5

The publication ofDSM-5is one of the most anticipated events in the mental health field this year. As the primary reference book for mental health professionals, it contains descriptions, symptoms and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders. TheDSMalso includes diagnosis criteria used by clinicians to report disorders to insurers for reimbursement and to public health authorities for causes of illness and death.

When this newest edition is released next month, a new diagnostic code will be in the hands of clinicians across the globe. And,DSM-5will incorporate several changes, including the reclassification of gambling disorders as an addiction.

In anticipation of the release ofDSM-5, the NCRG developed a white paper that provides an overview of these expected changes to gambling disorders and how they will impact our understanding, identification and treatment of the disorder and the development of responsible gaming strategies. Titled“The Evolving Definition of Pathological Gambling in the DSM-5,”and prepared by the NCRG’s Christine Reilly and Nathan Smith, this white paper addresses the evolving nature of theDSM, the current diagnostic code for pathological gambling, and the expected changes for the disorder in theDSM-5.Click hereto download the white paper.

Internet Gambling: An Emerging Field of Research

Internet Gambling: An Emerging Field of Research

While Internet gambling isn’t legal in all parts of the U.S., it is a growing form of gambling around the world and this often leads to speculation that its level of accessibility makes it more addictive than other types of gambling. The NCRG’s second white paper, titled“Internet Gambling: An Emerging Field of Research,”(prepared by Reilly) provides the latest empirical, peer-reviewed research on Internet gambling to help address many questions that have been raised as U.S. federal and state government officials debate the legalization of online gambling.

This white paper includes the most reliable research available on online gambling, and it summarizes the findings of Harvard Medical School ProfessorHoward J. Shaffer, Ph.D.,and colleagues, on this topic. It also contains research on online poker, sports betting and casino games, and includes information on online gambling among college students. Additionally, it suggests how the research can be used to develop responsible gaming strategies.Click hereto download the Internet gambling white paper.

These new publications are evidence of theNCRG’s continued commitmentto advancing the field and serving as a primary source for information on problem gambling. We hope that you will find them educational and useful, and we encourage you to share them with your colleagues.

NCRG staffICRG NewsAPADSM-5Internet gamblingresearchWhite Paper