Save The Date For Mini-conference In New Mexico!
The NCRG is pleased to announce that it will cosponsor with Sandia Resort and Casino in Albuquerque, NM, two days of treatment provider workers on March 23-24, 2017. The topics and speakers for “Evidence-based Topics on Gambling and Addiction” include:

- Bruce Liese, PhD,Manualized CBT Group for Diverse Addictive Behaviors
- Jon Grant, MD, JD, MPH,Gambling Disorder: Similarities and Differences with Substance Use Disorders
- Nathan Smith,But Is It Working? How to Measure the Effectiveness of Responsible Gaming Programs and Policies
- Lisa Najavits, PhD,Seeking Safety: A Strategy for Addressing Trauma andAddiction
Clinicians can earn up to 7.5 continuing education hours approved by NBCC and NAADAC. There is no cost for this program that will be held at the Sandia Resort and Casino.
Learning Objectives
Seeking Safety: A Strategy for Addressing Trauma and Addiction
- Increase understanding of trauma and/or gambling disorder
- Apply Seeking Safety with clients with gambling disorder
- Obtain assessment and treatment resources
Manualized CBT Group for Diverse Addictive Behaviors
- Conceptualize diverse addictive behaviors according to a cognitive-behavioral perspective
- Describe structure and essential components of a CBTAG session
- Design and implement a CBTAG in own organization serving a group with diverse addictive behaviors
Gambling Disorder: Similarities and Differences with Substance Abuse Disorders
- Conceptualize ways in which gambling disorder shares characteristics of a substance use disorder
- Conceptualize ways in which gambling disorder differs from substance abuse disorder
- Explain the clinical significance of these similarities and differences
But Is It Working? How to Measure the Effectiveness of Responsible Gaming Programs and Policies
- Describe the current research base for responsible gaming practices
- Identify one responsible gaming program that has been shown to be safe and effective
NCRG staffContinuing Education OpportunitiesaddictionCEConferencecontinuing education creditsgambling