NCRG On The Road: Amy’s Recap Of The NCRG’s May And June Travels
As you have read on Gambling Disorders 360˚, the NCRG’s staff and NCRG-funded researchers have been on the road in recent weeks learning from experts and forming new partnerships.
We traveled to San Francisco, Calif., for the American Psychological Association’s conference that largely focused on the changes to the fifth edition of theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5). A few days later, NCRG staff member Amy Kugler traveled to Las Vegas for the 15thInternational Conference on Gambling and Risk Taking, which was packed with interesting sessions from researchers from across the world. We rounded this all out with a trip to Boston, Mass., for the American College Health Association’s national conference, where we discussed upcoming plans forCollegeGambling.organd heard more aboutClayton Neighbors’s, Ph.D.,research about an online screen for college students that he has worked on at the University of Houston.
Take a minute to check out Amy’s video that recaps some of the things we learned and partnerships we were able to forge during our travels!
NCRG staffICRG NewsACHAAPADr. Clayton NeighborsICGRTNCRG on the RoadVideo