Apply Before Today's Deadline For The NCRG Conference Scholarship

Want to join the National Center for Responsible Gaming (NCRG) in Las Vegas for the 15th annual NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction from Sept. 28 to 30, 2014? Is your travel or conference budget a little tight this year? Each year, the NCRG awards scholarships to more than 15 individuals to attend the NCRG Conference. A portion of these scholarships may also include travel assistance.
To apply for a scholarship, visit theConference Scholarship websiteand submit your application by 5 p.m. PT today through our online form. This year’s lineup is packed with nationally renowned speakers and experts in the field of addiction, gambling disorder and responsible gaming that you won’t want to miss!
Download the full conference brochure here
NCRG staffConference on Gambling and Addictionaddictionattendeescholarship